MeshCAM V5 Preview Release

on Mon, Aug 01, 2011 in releases

I just published the first build of V5 at .  This includes lots of internal changes to support the coming V5 features as well as:

  • 64 Bit Support

  • A new “Automatic Toolpath Wizard” in the main toolpath dialog

I have been using only this version for about a month and it seems at least as stable as V4 although I’m sure there are plenty of bugs in there.  I would like some feedback on the new toolpath wizard if you have some time.  The main purpose of it is to analyze the geometry and then enable a “sane” set of toolpaths so new users don’t have to know what the difference between waterline, pencil, and parallel finishing are.

I am already getting upgrade questions so I just want to reiterate the upgrade policy- if V5 is released within one year of your purchase (either a new purchase or an upgrade from a prior version), you will get it as a free upgrade.  I can guarantee that it will be released in less than one year from today, hopefully much sooner.

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